A new pair of Calyer Trousers

I've made two pairs of the Calyer trousers (pair one was lovely, pair two never fit quite right). My fav pair are pretty worn though and when cooler days came around in September/October, I figured it was time to make a new pair. I am a very serious budget however and fabric purchasing is strictly... Continue Reading →

Concord tshirt

I've made a few of the Concord Tshirt now from Cashmerette . Its an excellent pattern and so easy to grade between sizes - I've used 10 bust (C/D)/ 14 waist / 12 hips. For three of these I made the high neck and long hem (perfect for keeping out the drafts) but I do... Continue Reading →

Summertime PJs

I love flannel PJs but there comes a time when they're just too bloody warm. For a while now I've been hankering for some simple jersey sleep wear - descent enough to wear when I'm a guest or wandering around the garden at home. But for some reason it never made it to the top... Continue Reading →

Mustard corduroy ginger jeans

I've been hankering for some mustard coloured trousers for a while now. Funnier whims have overcome me. Anyway when I saw this Dashwood Studio stretch corduroy at Guthrie & Ghani I knew it was destined to be my next pair of Ginger Jeans. I studiously ordered a sample just to be sure though. It's super... Continue Reading →

New Ginger Jeans

I'm not sure about you but over the last few COVID-Y years, I've very rarely worn jeans. Each time I've put them on however, they've been a bit snugger than the previous time. Those that do fit (or at least feel comfortable) are warn out, hole-y (despite patching) and very bedraggled. But I'm tired of... Continue Reading →

Toaster Sweater

While not a new pattern, the Toaster Sweater from Sew House Seven was new to me. I was really drawn to the long cuffs and the loose turtle neck. And I was pretty sure I had the perfect fabric in my stash (once again from Lamazi Fabrics). And once again another Mind the MAKER fabric... Continue Reading →

A new Lane Raglan x 2

Over the last few years, the pool of clothes I reach for and actually put on each morning has shrunk. Partly as a result of working from home (and not really needed to get so dressed up) but mainly because much loved me-mades no longer fit. In fact probably haven't fit in quite a long... Continue Reading →

Hudson Pants (yet again)

I've had the fabric and all the notions for this project since pre-pandemic. But life went and got in the way. Two years later however and I still loved the idea of using this fabric and cuffs for the True Bias Hudson Pants. The fabric is an Mind the Maker organic chevron quilt in asphalt... Continue Reading →

Carolyn Pajamas (yet again)

I have been in desperate need of new pajamas. My last pair bit the dust several months ago and now reside in the rag bag. In fact they bit the dust almost a year ago but I continued to wear them until there was more of me hanging out, than covered. I was so excited... Continue Reading →

Annual Christmas pants

Some people make new pyjamas for their loved ones each Christmas, others knit new jumpers, scarves or hats, others yet give socks. But for my loved ones: pants. It has long been a tradition that my sister and I give each other underwear (though not just at Christmas). And once I started sewing pairs, I... Continue Reading →

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