In search of the perfect boat neck

I’ve been searching for the last year for a pullover boat neck top pattern. I ended up asking the ladies on the Monthly Stitch Facebook group for their recommendations as I wasn’t having much luck finding what I had in mind. They introduced me to several potential patterns I wasn’t familiar with, which I’ve filed away as future potential projects:


line_drawings_24_Sept_2014_largeThe winning suggestion was Bonnie by Bluegingergirl. But having found the right pattern, I really struggled to actually find someplace to buy it. I was over the moon at the knitting and stitching show to find it at one of the booths. That being said it’s now taken me months and months to actually get round to sewing it! I have made version B however.

It wasn’t until now that I’ve had the motivation to have a go at version C. But the cooler weather has me reaching for comfortable, long sleeve tops. And having recently got my hands on this lovely mustard yellow 95% cotton /5% spandex blend I knew it was time to get a move on. I’ve made size 10 for bust and above, grading out to 12 at the waist and hips.

It is a really easy and straightforward pattern but I made one wee error. When I was sewing the neck seam with my twin needle I forgot to change my stitch from the narrow zig zag I had used previously. And because it was so narrow I didn’t notice for quite a while. If you’ve ever tried to unpick a fine stitch on jersey you’ll know that it it very easy to wreck your fabric or stretch it out of shape, so I decided to leave it be. Initially I thought there was more of a gather on the sleeve shoulder than I prefer,  but once I had it on, I think it looks quite nice. Though I may experiment next time and shave a bit off the top of the sleeve’s shoulder to reduce the gather.

It was so fast and easy, and really quite comfortable, that I thought I would immediately make a few more. But we’re just adopted a dog, Poppy,  so I’m not foreseeing much sewing time in the near future.



10 thoughts on “In search of the perfect boat neck

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    1. Thanks it’s currently my favorite color and very seasonal too – normally I buy fabric for the new seasons but don’t get around to sewing it until its spring/winter/summer etc!

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  1. Great colour – Yep, looks like bluegingerdoll patterns may not be around any more! I got this on my search too, before the lark was out. I’ve used used this a number of times, and drafted out the gathers on the sleevehead for a plain sleeve too. I want to make a boat neck version with a lady skater skirt next ;o)

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